High School Conversation Guides

As a parent, you know you should talk to your kid about certain topics, but you may not
know where to start - or when.

Navigating Critical Conversations with Your High School Students

Life Maps and Guides for Every Phase

Issues like their changing bodies, cyber-bullying, and questions about faith can feel overwhelming for any parent to navigate   While the conversation may involve moments of awkwardness, we want to help you do the hardest thing - start. Use the life maps and conversation guides below to figure out where to jump in to meet your child in the phase he or she is in.

Every phase is a timeframe in a kid's life when you can leverage distinct opportunities to influence their future. During each phase, there are critical conversations each child needs to have: Technological Responsibility, Sexual Integrity, Faith, and Health. And there are other issues you MAY need to discuss, depending on your child: Anxiety, Bullying, and Crisis.

Remember, Conversation Guides are meant to be just that - a guide. You know your child better than anyone. Don't be alarmed if your child doesn't align perfectly with a phase description. Use the components to maximize these ongoing conversations with your kid and to better understand them in the phase they are in today.